Board of Directors
The board of directors acts as spokespeople for the Association, coordinates activities of the Association, and communicates with the working groups.
Board members 2024
Kim Cullen, PhD (President)
School of Human Kinetics & Recreation, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Kathryn Sinden, PhD (Past President & Acting Treasurer)
Department of Kinesiology, Lakehead University
Aviroop Biswas, PhD (President-Elect)
Institute for Work and Health; Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto
David Kinitz, PhD Candidate (Secretary)
Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto
Momtaz Begum, PhD Candidate (Communications)
Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto
Julia Goyal, PhD Candidate
School of Public Health and Health Systems and Department of Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering, University of Waterloo
Marie-Eve Major, PhD
Department of Industrial Relations, Université Laval (Québec)
Sonja Senthanar, PhD
Partnership for Work, Health, and Safety, University of British Columbia
Desai Shan, PhD
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Basak Yanar, PhD
Institute for Work and Health; Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto