Modernizing Quebec’s occupational health and safety regime

Santé Genre Égalité (SAGE), an interdisciplinary team affiliated with CINBIOSE and based at Université du Québec en Outaouais (UQO), submitted a report to the Parliamentary Commission in charge of studying Bill 59, which aims to modernize Quebec’s occupational health and safety regime. Mélanie Lefrançois, one of CARWH’s board members and professor in occupational health and safety at ESG UQAM, is one of 14 authors of this report which contains 49 recommendations to ensure that the new regime will protect all workers, especially women and workers in vulnerable situations. A link to the presentation to the commission by two SAGE researchers – Jessica Riel (UQO) et Geneviève Baril-Gingras (Université Laval) – is available (in French only) at the following link:


The 12th Conference of the Canadian Association for Research on Work and Health will take place at the Marriott Hotel in Downtown Ottawa on June 2-4, 2025

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AGM Announcement Dear CARWH Members, The 2022 CARWH AGM will be held Thursday November 10, 2022:...

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